EPD - The Explosion Protection Document

Zabezpieczenia przed wybuchemThe Explosion Protection Document is intended to provide an overview of the results of the Explosion Risk Assessment and the associated technical and organizational protective measures relating to the installation and its operational environment. The EPD therefore contains a full description of the explosion hazards and the rules and actions to be taken to ensure the explosion safety of the installations.

The employer may combine existing risk assessments, documents or other equivalent reports and include them in a document relating to explosion protection. It should be remembered that an EPD should be prepared before the start of work and reviewed in case the workplace, work equipment or organisation of work is modified.


The explosion protection document shall contain:

  1. Description of the protective measures to be taken to comply with the requirements of the ATEX USER Directive and to limit the harmful effects of the explosion.
  2. List of potentially explosive atmospheres and their classification in zones.
  3. Employer's statement that:
    • Workplaces, equipment and warning devices shall be designed, used and maintained in such a way as to ensure their safe and proper functioning.
    • The equipment complies with the requirements of the regulations on minimum health and safety requirements for the use of machinery by employees at work.
    • The risk associated with the possible occurrence of an explosive atmosphere has been assessed.
  4. Time limits for the review of the safeguard measures to be applied.
  5. Zasady stosowania środków ochronnych oraz koordynacji stosowania tych środków dla wszystkich osób wykonujących pracę łącznie z podwykonawcami.
  6. Rules for the application of safeguard measures and for the coordination of their application to all persons carrying out work, including subcontractors.

The obligation to prepare the EPD results directly from the ATEX USER Directive 1999/92/EC.

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